Chris Doughty ist neuer Projektkoordinator bei Team Durango


Chris Doughty übernimmt den Posten des Projektkoordinators bei Team Durango in England. Chris wird in seiner neuen Position u.a. das Feedback des internationalen Rennteams sowie der Kunden zu den Team Durango-Produkten auswerten und analysieren.

Chris has over 20 years RC Racing experience and more than 5 years contributing to successful RC projects, so he is a perfect fit for Team Durango.

Chris will be Project Co-ordinator at Team Durango, he will responsible for analysing the feedback from the Durango Global Racing Team and our customers towards the continued development of our full range of Durango race cars. Making our cars faster and better suited to our customers needs is a team effort, but Chris will play a big part in coordinating that work.

Chris had the following to say about joining Team Durango:
“I am incredibly excited by this new opportunity at Team Durango, I have always kept an eye on the development of the Durango cars over the years and it’s clear that their ideas are great, and very well implemented. Being part of this going forward is fantastic and I can’t wait to start working with the Race Team and Durango staff.”

Quelle: Team Durango

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